Exercise optimizer for chronic pain

Managed by:
Olivier Mirat

Exercise optimizer for chronic pain

Managed by:
Olivier Mirat

About Exercise optimizer for chronic pain

For people with lower extremity chronic pain, finding the right balance between too much and too little exercise is a crucial but difficult problem, mostly ignored by the medical community. There's no clear guideline as to how patients should rest (how much, for how long, in what way, etc...). This project aims to better understand the correlation between lower-extremity chronic pain and exercise. Ultimately, the aim is to create an algorithm that gives recommendations about what activities should be performed or avoided on any given day to best manage symptoms. We've already started open-sourcing the data collected: https://github.com/oliviermirat/MonsterMizer/tree/master/MonsterMizerOpenData .

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Managed by:
Olivier Mirat
Joined by: 0 members
Project website: http://www.monstermizer.com/
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