MICHAEL YOUNG (michaeldagent)
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About me

Universal Life Insurance Services Mt. Laurel NJ MICHAEL D. YOUNG 1000 ATRIUM WAY SUITE 500, MT. LAUREL, NEW JERSEY 08054-My approach. Helping clients understand their options and achieve their goals are what make my job so rewarding. Every client is unique, so together we can develop a personalized approach that meets today's needs and tomorrow's as well. Solutions to fit your needs. Here to help you plan for today and tomorrow. With so many options and complex information, making financial decisions isn’t easy. That’s why I’m here to help you understand what's right for you. Together we can create a strategy that's customized to your needs and goals. I believe that we’re in this together for the longhaul, so you can count on me to help manage and update our approach as your life changes. Life Insurance can help protect your family by replacing lost income and providing a financial saftey net if you or your spouse dies. Long-term care insurance can help pay for care and protect your lifestyle in the event of an unexpected health event. Whether you want to travel the world, spend time with the grandkids, or just make sure all your day-to-day expenses are covered, a steady, dependable source of income can provide valuable peace of mind. You may invest as part of preparing for retirement, but your investments can also help you achieve other financial goals like paying for college, buying a business, or purchasing a home.

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