Medication log CSV
CSV table with datetime, amount, and type of medication
CSV export from a Google spreadsheet.
Header row is expected to contain fields: "Datetime", "Amount", and "Medication".
- "Datetime" column data is expected to be ISO 8601 format
- "Amount" column data is expected to be number followed by amount (e.g. "50 mg")
- "Medication" column data is expected to contain the medication name
- Uploadable: Yes
- Ancestors: Treatment logs > Medication log CSV
- Children: None
Project sources:
Return to full list of DataTypes.
01/23/2020 11:43 p.m.
Mad Price Ball (madprime)
- Name: Medication log CSV
- Parent: Treatment logs
- Description: CSV table with datetime, amount, and type of medication
- Details:
CSV export from a Google spreadsheet. Header row is expected to contain fields: "Datetime", "Amount", and "Medication". 1. "Datetime" column data is expected to be ISO 8601 format 2. "Amount" column data is expected to be number followed by amount (e.g. "50 mg") 3. "Medication" column data is expected to contain the medication name
- Uploadable: True